
3 Most Popular Bharatanatyam Styles

Bharatanatyam has a wide variety of forms and styles which have been developed over time. The main styles in Bharatanatyam include the Tanjore style, Mysore style, and Kalakshetra styles. Let’s understand each of these Bharatanatyam styles one by one Kalakshetra Bharatanatyam Style The pioneer of developing this new style in Bharatanatyam is credited to Rukmini Devi […]

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Bharatanatyam Costumes for Men and Women

The costumes of Bharatanatyam dance are one of the most elegant forms of dresses which adds to the beauty of the dance and represents the culture and tradition of India. Before we jump into various types of Bharatanatyam dance costumes, let’s take a quick look at Bharatanatyam dance form. Bharatanatyam is an age-old dance form that speaks stories of the mythologies. It was initially performed […]

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101 Bharatanatyam Sections, Styles, Adavus, Instruments, Mudras

Bharatnatyam is one of the 8 classical dance forms of India. In this lesson, we will learn about sections, styles, levels, adavus, instruments commonly used in Bharatnatyam and various dance mudras. What is Bharatnatyam Dance? Hailed as the oldest classical dance form of India, Bharatanatyam is believed to have originated in the Tanjore district of the South Indian state Tamil Nadu. It is a highly popular classical […]

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Bharatanatyam Elements and Aramandi – Explained in simple terms.

Bharatanatyam is one of the major dance forms in the 8 classical dances of India. Bharatanatyam elements make it unique and provide beauty to the dance form. Learning of proper Bharatanatyam step is extremely necessary for learning this dance form. Proper posture along with the proper understanding and learning of steps of Bharatanatyam helps to make the dance look more graceful. This exquisite dance form […]

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6 Benefits of Bharatanatyam – Why should one learn Bharatanatyam?

Before we jump into the benefits of Bharatanatyam, let’s understand what Bharatanatyam dance is all about. In this article, we will cover the following: What is Bharatanatyam? Bharatnatyam is one of the oldest and the most famous dance forms of India. It is regarded as the mother of other classical dances. Bharatnatyam was previously known as Sudhir Attam. The origin of Bharatnatyam dates back to Tamil […]

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Know Everything About these 5 Bharatanatyam Postures

The very essential step in the learning of the Bharatanatyam dance form includes the learning of the various Bharatanatyam postures. Without postures, this dance form holds no meaning. Attaining and learning the right Bharatanatyam posture is a matter of giving time perseverance and just practice and is extremely helpful in adding finesse to the dance form. Before […]

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