
How to Choose The Right Preschool For Your Child?

    It’s wonderful to see your little human growing and learning! Kids are learning every day, someday they will surprise you with their incoherent lovely doodling while sometimes their experiments with your make-up products might vex you. No matter what your reservations are you cannot deny the curiosity and growth of your little one. At the […]

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What is Sibling Rivalry? How To Mollify The Sibling Rivalry?

Sibling bonding is one of the most beautiful things a parent can encourage and reinforce in the family. It’s something you are investing in because that’s what’s going to reap rewards when they grow up. How do we encourage it and how do we facilitate it as adults and as a family. A bit of […]

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Mistakes in parenting that result in spoilt children

Are you having a difficult time parenting your child? Do you wonder what wrong you do in parenting? Give the article a read and you will find the common mistakes that occur. We comprehend! It’s difficult to be a parent. We all make mistakes, no matter how careful and vigilant we are. Parents and children, […]

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Vocabulary Apps That Will Make Your Child’s Vocabulary Stronger

A strong vocabulary is very important for language development. The larger the vocabulary, the more your child will be able to understand academics. An increased vocabulary is just not limited to academics but is useful for communication too. If your child hates learning words for building their vocabulary the traditional way then these apps are there to your rescue. It […]

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Modern Parenting: Why should you watch Movies with your Children?

Are you in search of a ‘mystery’ or ‘light-hearted’ moment with your children? Or are you ‘guilty’ of not spending qualitative time with your children? With our complex lives taking sudden leaps, it becomes hard to be staying by your child. But, an evening of movie and popcorn can be an ideal cover-up for the […]

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Climate Change: How to Explain Climate Change to a Child?

It’s fair for parents  to protect their Child from life’s harsh realities, such as “Climate Change.” Many people are hearing about or experiencing natural catastrophes caused by climate change, such as wildfire, severe storms. drought, floods etc.. Climate change affects all living things, but children are highly prone. Because they are still growing and have greater exposure to air, food, and […]

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Perfect Parenting: How to Handle the Culture of Perfection in Parenting?

Parenthood sounds fun, doesn’t it? Having kids, playing with them, nicknaming them, cuddling with them, showering them with all your love and a lot more fun right? However, the reality is that parenthood is far beyond than just being “Fun”. Meanwhile there is a huge demand for perfection in parenting these days. You have responsibilities when […]

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Mother Tongue Learning: The Amazing Benefits Of Teaching Mother Tongue To Your Child!

Mother tongue simply refers to the language of a person’s own area or group. Thus, every person must know their native language. It is important for a person to know and learn about their language as it reflects their culture. To know about the benefits of teaching mother tongue to your child, we first need […]

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How To Help Your Child Have A Positive Body Image?

According to research, children as young as three years old can have body image problems. Many factors influence how youngsters perceive themselves. For people of all genders, ages, and ethnicities, today’s society has an image-driven culture that focuses on unattainable ideals of beauty. These standards are having a bad influence on adults, but they are also having […]

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How to Tell Your Child that They are Adopted?

Letting your child know they are adopted is a sensitive topic. It could make anyone sweat. Parents need to show extra care and thought because one wrong word could be disastrous in such sensitive situations. However, things can get easy if you follow these proven and correct ways to let your child know they are […]

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