Produce Great Music With This Beginner’s Guide

Music is something that creates a soothing effect in our minds. It is also one of the most loved hobbies in the world. Music can be called art because to create a piece of music the musician needs to arrange different sounds.

Music is created when the music has got the elements of a perfect melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. There can be an exact definition of music because music is everywhere from the local tribes to the biggest cities all over the world.

Beginner’s Guide For Producing Music

Now, it would be useless to say that there is not a single person in the whole world who hasn’t listened to music yet. Everyone in this world has listened to some kind of music and has their likes and dislikes.

The music industry today has taken a huge leap than it was before. More and more new musicians are taking entry into the industry whether it is local or at international level. If you want to produce your music and want to show off your hidden talent to the world then keep reading this article.

Steps To Produce Music (For Beginners)

With the help of the internet nowadays most things have become possible. Whether it is educating or learning something new, everything can now happen if one has internet access. Similarly, there are tutorial videos for learning as well, and that too for beginners. But, let’s look at the following steps.

Step 1: Download a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

DAW is a simple software that is used to produce music. Applications like these can be downloaded from the internet. The primary aim of this software is to provide its users with producing, recording, mixing, and mastering many more abilities required for producing music.

Once you learn to use this software you can easily switch to other DAW software with ease. However, it is not recommended to switch software often because it could be a tedious process. If you think that the DAW software that you have downloaded has got all it should have then there should be no need to change to another one.

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Step 2: Write A Song

Writing a song does not mean you copy from your favorite songs. Give it some time and think of your song and how you want to design it. Take a pen and a piece of paper and start writing whatever you think.

The initial stages of writing a song will be difficult but once you know about it you will be able to compose as many songs as possible. Just don’t be discouraged while you are at it because not everyone will learn at the same pace.

Use an audio file called ‘loops’ which will help you a bit in creating your first song. This audio file contains multiple sounds that can be played repeatedly. The purpose of this audio file is to get an idea about structuring and designing a song.

By listening to other music you will learn how you can structure your song. But, this does not mean copying from them. If your taste is on a specific type of music like EDMs then you might create a song that will have like EDM.

Get some ideas from famous music creators and learn from them. This will help you understand basic things about writing a song.

Read more about it:

Songwriting Archives - Musician on a Mission
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Step 3: Study The Theory of Music

It is never too late to start something new and learning music is one of them. Study the world of music because the music theory is what all musicians, composers, and everyone else use. Music theory is something that one can learn for their entire life. Studying the theory will help you write your songs.

Some books are written on music theories that you can have a look at. Some of the recommended ones are ‘Music Theory for Computer Musicians by Michael Hewitt’. There are many other books that you can have a look at which will help you understand the theory.

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Step 4: Learn About Designing Sounds

As mentioned earlier that a musician can never stop learning about music because it is a vast profession. Music is an art and the core component of creating musical art is its sound. One can always learn about sounds not only theoretically by practically as well.

The sound design includes recording and synthesizing sounds that are used in music, TV, movies, and video games. There is a profession for sound designing called sound designers. If this field makes you interested then you can go for it.

There are much software that you can find used for designing sounds. Search for software that you can get familiar with. Also, make sure that the software can be integrated with your DAW. Learning how to use a synth can take some time just like learning to use DAW.

9 Sound Design Tricks To Hack Your Listeners Ears
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Step 5: Study About Sound Mixing and Mastering

 Once you have learned about writing songs and designing sounds you need to move to the next step of learning about sound mixing and mastering. You might notice that your songs are not sounding like the sounds that you hear on the radio.

The reason for that is that you are yet to master sound mixing. Mixing sound means combining the different elements of a song.  Mastering, on the other hand, is formatting the song for distribution. Before doing anything else on mixing and mastering make sure you have a pair of quality headphones.

Try opting for an expensive headphone because that is how you will understand the quality of music. Do not opt for lower quality ones or cheap ones because it will not at all be beneficial. There are video courses on mixing and mastering that you can do.

Read more about it:

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Step 6: Working on Your Arrangements

You might come from a keyboard background or a guitar background. However, you can use MIDI instruments to get going with your music production. MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface which is a standard for pitch and velocity.

Using MIDI keyboards allows trigger sounds within your computer rather than just producing it. For example, one can use a MIDI keyboard to play a multi-sampled drum kit like Addictive Drums 2. There are many MIDI keyboards are available. Look for the most compatible and affordable one.

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Step 7: Create a Practice Schedule

You might have other work at your home which is more important than producing music. Therefore, it is necessary to make a schedule for practicing regularly. Music is something that needs time to be mastered by someone and it is a continuous learning process.

Say suppose you are working on a new song then you do not have to sit the whole day to complete it. You can do it once a day and give it like an hour or two. You can look up tutorial videos on Youtube on how to do something.

When you are at it you might feel the process is long and tiring but that’s okay. Do not worry because every great thing to happen requires some time. Once you have completed writing more than a hundred songs you can focus on quality.

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Music can be soothing to the listener because there is a lot of hard work behind it. You can also be the reason where people will know about you as a great music composer or a musician. So, if you have started producing music you should not quit in the middle. The process is long but the result will be worth it.   

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