Conversations that you need to have with your boys

“Self-knowledge is the first step to maturity,” says prominent English author Jane Austen. Physical, mental and emotional awareness is both an individual and social concept. So, there is a need to encourage certain conversations with the boys that promote self-awareness. Because these conversations strengthen the roots for healthy social development and maturity of decisions, this optimizes human growth in all […]

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Indian laws for Women That You Need To Know

Humanity, for a long time, placed women at the unfair end of treatment. Women, through their daily lives, need to protect themselves and deal with misconduct. So, envisioning social empowerment, the nation creates specific laws for women. After all, awareness about the legal and ethical backing makes a woman powerful. Moreover, she can then raise her voice […]

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How To Encourage Gender Sensitivity In Kids

    Before we begin with the topic we will first understand what sensitivity is in general? Sensitivity means being simple appreciative of others’ feelings. Gender sensitivity in particular means a mindset in which you are considerate of the feelings of the opposite gender. It is a behaviour that avoids discrimination by understanding and accepting the multiple […]

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The Ultimate Guide for Parents ‘How to use Google

Parents are often warned how Google is a dangerous place whenever the topic of child safety comes up. Google has always been touted as this abyss of fraud and lies that can mislead everyone’s children. The constant negativity around Google does not help either. According to psychology, we humans tend to retain negative things more […]

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Find Out The Best Current Affair Magazine For Kids

    Current Affair is one of the major parts when it comes to a child’s knowledge growth. In fact, knowing current affairs gives the young resilience. Various modes of consuming current affairs are : Of course, the best way to read current affairs is through magazines. With those images and information, young children start a […]

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Panchatantra Stories

Panchatantra is a collection of Indian stories featuring animals and some priceless moral lessons. Here, we will list 10 popular stories from Panchatantra as well as some benefits of reading them.  10 interesting Panchatantra stories for children To make storytime fun and informative, here are some stories from Panchtantra that will not only enhance your child’s imagination but also teach them […]

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Ultimate Guide For Kids To Become Great Problem Solvers!

    There are things that children learn on their own without any help from their parents. They grow up and become good at those things and become problem solvers. Sometimes it is also a brave decision to leave your children and let them be however they want to be. Children are always growing and learning […]

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Homeschooling – The New Revolution

    Homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years among young middle-class families who wish to offer their children individualized primary-secondary education at home to help them develop their creative side, critical thinking, and problem-solving cognitive capacities. What is Homeschooling? Homeschooling is a kind of education in which a child’s education is completed at home utilizing freely […]

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Parenting Right: 5 Reasons Why Your Child Looks Aloof

Do you see your child sulking in a cheerful function? Or do you find them speaking in bits and pieces? If you see such signs, it is sure that something is going on wrong with your children. Parenting might sound hard when your child shows aloofness from day-to-day activities or other things. It might be […]

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Books to Teach Your Child Good Manners -Books for Etiquette

    We all know what the word ‘Etiquette’ means but, does everyone know about it! In fact, we could have a small debate about etiquette in society or in today’s world. The word could be a very powerful word when it is used correctly. Authors have come up with many books for etiquette. Additionally, not […]

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