Western Vocal Classes: Vocal Warm-up Exercises for Beginners

The necessity of vocal warm-up exercises is immensely important for anyone keen on singing beautifully. It should be included in the daily routine of a singer who has started the training of singing. Warm-up exercises provide advantages and may take approximately 20 minutes of your day.

vocal warm-up exercise

7 benefits of vocal warm-up exercises

  1. This helps to put more energy into your singing. It helps to build up the stamina to hold your breathing properly while singing. 
  2. Performing by a singer is much a challenge in comparison to that of a musician. The singer has to both lose energy while performing on stage and also loses his energy and breath while singing on the stage. 
  3. Like a sportsman needs to do warm-up exercises before playing in a match. In the same way, the singers need to practice and have short warm-up sessions before their performances. 
  4. This helps them to perform better, improve their ranges in singing and make their focal chords flex, and prevent them from getting strained. 
  5. Voice comes from a muscle that needs to learn various tactics and techniques. Hence, this seems to be extremely essential in the case of beginners. 
  6. These techniques also improve your voice modulations while singing as well as train you to pronounce various words while singing. A person who is starting to sing and is dreaming of becoming a future singer needs to practise these exercises with full dedication. 
  7. The various methods of warm-up also assist in training your ear for singing in future performances. Pronouncing the words properly also makes you prepare your ear for performances. Many practice them in intervals which is also helpful for beginners.

Various types of Vocal warm-up exercises

Vocal Fry Exercise

Vocal fry exercise is the one which is practised mainly during the morning hours whereby the singer practical vibrating the vocal cords at lower frequencies. This helps to flex the vocal cords of the singers. This exercise is very necessary for beginners to practice. This prevents the singers to protect their voice and the vocal cords from getting strained. Doing this exercise means practising singing various notes in the lowest pitch or range by a singer.

It calls for continuously practising the lowest notes. As one practices their capability to sing in the lower ranges further improves.

Lip Roll Exercise

This warm-up exercise helps one to increase the flow of blood to the vocal cords. This helps to prevent strains on the inner muscles of the larynx after a night’s sleep. If one can practice singing from the lower to the higher ranges by rolling one’s lips it gives the maximum advantage to the voice of the singers.

Lip roll exercise helps to sing the higher notes and smoothens the voice of the singer. It helps to avoid vocal strains of the singer. It helps relax vocal cords and provides better maturity, technique, and training to singers.

According to various singer’s lips, rolling helps you to enhance the voice of the singer. It helps to produce semi-occluded sound. This helps one to balance the sound production in a singer and helps to produce an equalizing effect. It trains a singer to properly produce smoothly emphasizing music.

“MUM” Vocal Warm-up Exercises

This makes the singer make the larynx neutral. This helps to practice your singing in any range like octave, double octave, and so on. These exercises help understand whether the exercise is useful for the singer. These exercises are perfect to help you understand how to perform without stressing your voice much. Doing this exercise regularly improves the singing techniques of a singer before any performance.

Sharp Exhaling Exercises

This helps in practicing warm-ups by inhaling and exhaling with the help of a straw. This helps one to deeply inhale and exhale. This involves using the abdomen to take in and release air by pronouncing the word ‘huh’. One can pronounce by mixing up the vowels and consonants and performing from the lowest to the highest pitches.

Tongue Twisting Vocal Exercises

This is an exercise that helps one to improve the pronunciation by practising various tongue-twisters like “she likes shells that sellers sell on the seashore.’ This also improves the voice stamina, voice strength, and also helps to extend one’s vocal range. Tongue-twisting exercises also help to improve the breathing techniques of a singer.

Doing this exercise does not mean focus your full attention on regulating the pitch. This needs one to do the exercise in varied pitches from low to high pitch.

Solfege and Scale Vocal Warm-up Exercises

Solfege is assigning a particular syllable to each of the notes which are present in the music. Providing a particular syllable to each note helps in practising various pitches in a musical performance. This is also helpful in remembering a song rather than the traditional notes. This also helps to train your ears according to various song pitches. This is also helpful in analyzing various pitches and harmonies by a performer.

Yawn and Open Throat Exercises to Relax Tension

Yawing exercises release the tension of the muscles properly. It helps to flex your jaws, face muscles, and throat to perform in a good way. This means one has to inhale slowly by keeping the jaws wide open and keeping the tongue in its position.

Vocal warm-up

Necessary Rules for Vocal Warm-up Exercises

  1. These exercises are done after taking fluids and helps in keeping the vocal cords lubricated. This helps in increasing the blood flow to the various vocal muscles for a better performance of the performer. 
  2. These exercises are followed by various pitch exercises, breathing exercises, and so on by beginners. This should be done according to the preferences of the beginners and also as has been guided by the instructor. 
  3. The warm-up exercises should be practised gradually from the lower notes to the higher notes by a performer. 
  4. One can take the help of online sites or books to learn the correct techniques for performing the exercises. 
  5. One must take the guidance of a coach who can direct you regarding the various personalized warm-up exercises which one has to perform. 

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